If you need scales or cash registers for a short or long term hire then we can help. We have access to a full range of products that will perfectly suit your requirements, and we can provide full servicing of every product we hire.
Cash Register Hire
We can program a cash register to suit your needs for any large or small event. A basic program is included in the cost of hiring. A technician is on hand to give you a run down on the working of the cash register.
Scales Hire
A large range of scales are available for hire including Counting scales suitable for stocktaking and Retail scales when you need that extra scale. We also have Crane Scales, Small Balances and Platform Scales available for hire on a short time or for a longer term.
With Country Scale and Equipment you can be totally confident that we have got the perfect product for your situation. To speak to us about the hiring of your required equipment please contact us.
Contact Anmar Scales Albury
Get in touch with our weighing specialists to discuss your weighing and scale needs. The Anmar Scales team can assist anywhere around Northern Victoria and Southern New South Wales.